Monday, January 1, 2007

Font size

In the first set of tags right after :

/* thur broeders */
/* january 2006 */
/* template tb_b_20060107_black.dwt */
/* */
/* */
/* postmaster (at) thurbroeders (dot) nl */

I changed the font tag from :

font-size: 0.9em;

TO :

font-size: 1.5em;

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hack #5

Matt ... I installed one more hack. It's some Java at the bottom of the Template that opens all links in a new window. It keeps people on your page even when they open a link you post.

New Header

I like Thur's stuff ... I used it on Thank-You Keith Olbermann. First a 3- Column, and then I settled on the one there now.

It can be touchy ..... We can't install anything that's too wide in the side columns, It drives the IE browsers crazy. So just check the width of anything you want to put in the sides bars.

Your header is great ..... Some times I go to that GRSite and just make stuff even with no use for it .... I love that place.
They have great water and sky tiles.

We should be able to do a shadow for this.

Colorado Bob is now an Admin!

Bob, Sorry I didn't see your posts earlier. I was just trying to put in that header I designed, using Dreamweaver. But I can't get it together. You'll find the graphic here at ImageShack.

Thur's thing isn't too bad. I'll want to change font sizes and colors and such. And the background on the sides is where I'd like to try out some wallpaper.

The Hackosphere does look pretty cool, and it's for Beta.

Actually I'm one hour past London time, which is about 7 hours ahead of you I guess, if you're in Central Time Zone.

Thurs Templates

This is a new template from thur. Good format, though it would be nice to have a drop shadow going over the background. Colors and such need to be changed.

Here we go

The google Hack Page I saw for three column templates :

90 Posts

The Hack-O-Sphere page on 3- column templates.

Matt ..... This is $10 and it looks to be worth it :

Hack-O_Sphere 3-Column Neo Template


I was in the screen printing business .... Had a 6-color press back in the 80's. Nothing big as far as the shop goes, but I loved owning the ability to print what ever I wanted to.

Open the dashboard and make me an administrator ... That way I can access the template. Are you on London time ? IE 6 hrs. ahead of me ?